UMD Media, March 9, 2025 In a meeting held on Sunday, March 9, with council members from cities, sub-cities, districts, and local Tabias, Debretsion Gebremichael, leader...
Author - UMD Media
President Getachew Reda Demands Action to Halt Alleged Illegal Army Movements Backing Debretsion Gebremichael’s TPLF Faction
As tensions escalate in Tigray, the region’s Interim President, Getachew Reda, has issued a stark warning about alleged efforts to create instability by a faction led by...
President Getachew Reda Exposes Internal Struggles and Accuses TPLF Faction of Destabilizing Tigray
UMD Media, March 8, 2025 In an 84-minute speech on March 6, addressing questions raised by the youth of Mekelle, President Getachew Reda of the Tigray Interim Regional...
ገብረመድህን ሮምሃ (ዶ/ር) ለካቲት 26፤ 2017 ዓም ብነሓሰ 2015 ዓ.ም ዝተፅሓፈ ብPDF ንምንባብ 1. መእተዊ ዳዊት ካብ ፅቡቕ ቁጠባውን ሞራላዊ ቅቡልነትን ዘለዎ ስድራ ተወሊዱ ዝዓበየ መንእሰይ ነይሩ። ስድራ ዳዊት ብዘለዎ ፅቡቕ ስነ-ምግባር ብናይቲ ከባቢ ስፍሕ...
ገብረስላሴ ኪሮስ ሃይሉ* ለካቲት 26፣ 2017 ዓ/ም ብPDF ንምንባብ 1. መእተዊ ስርዓተ ምሕደራ ሓንቲ ዓዲ ናይ ብዙሓት ሓይልታት ዝተናበበ ጻዕሪ ዝጠልብ ስራሕ እዩ። ኣብ ዝዓበያ ዓድታት ሊሒቅ ሓይሊ ናይ ሕብረተሰብ ጥቕሚ፣ ድሕንነት፣ ፍትሒን ንምኽባር ኣብ...
መንግስተኣብ ፀጋይ ለካቲት 26፤ 2017 ዓም ንዓሰርተታት ዓመታት ናብ ህዝቢ ብፍላይ ድማ ናብቲ ንኡስ ወለዶ ክውዝዑ ዝፀንሑን ክሳብ ሐዚ እንተኾነ ከይተበደሁ ወይ challenge ከይተገብሩ ዝጋወሑ ዘለዉ ሰለስተ ቀንዲ ንፋሖታት 11 ለካቲት ኣለዉ፡፡ ቀዳማይ...
UMD Media, February 26, 2025 A faction of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), led by Debretsion Gebremichael, has denied allegations that it, along with...
ብህንፃ ትግራይ ለካቲት 8 2017 ዓም ከም PDF ንምንባብ Download ምስረታ ህወሓት፣ ኣድላይነቱን ብሄራዊነቱን(?) እንትንፍትሽ፡ መዋልዶ ባይታ(መፈጥር ምኽንያት) ህወሓት ቁሩብ ተፍታሽ የድልዮ ኢለ ይኣምን። ንህወሓት ቀረባ ካብ ዝነበረ ጆን ያንግ ክሳብ ነበር...
First Emergency Meeting of Tigray Advisory Council Underway Amid Political Tensions and Hopes
UMD Media, February 14, 2025 The first emergency meeting of the Advisory Council of the Tigray Interim Regional Administration (TIRA) is currently underway. The council...
Zerayacob Gebrehiwet It is impossible to rule out that Abiy Ahmed might attempt to use factions of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) or any willing...