Peace and Justice for Tigreans International, Washington DC, USA (July 5, 2024)
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Peace and Justice for Tigreans International, Washington DC, USA (July 5, 2024)
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ጌታቸው አሰፋ ከካልጋሪ፤ አልበርታ፤ ካናዳ ሰኞ ሰኔ 24, 2016 ዓም (የካናዳ ቀን ዕለት)
በPDF መልክ ማንበብ
የምስረታ ታሪካዊ ሂደት ቪዲዮ
In statement sent to UMD Media, Oromos for Justice, Peace and Truth (O-JUST) said Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who is the leader of the ruling Prosperity...
Ezekiel Gebissa Historical accounts of leaders exhibiting signs of burnout, stress, and even mental breakdown expressed in troubling behaviors of leaders abound. Roman...
Uploaded on UMD Media in full with the permission of the author. 2022_Yohannes_Aberra-Bibliography_bibliometry_TigrayDownload 2022_Yohannes_Aberra_Tigray_The...
ዳዊት ካሕሳይ (ግንቦት 29 2016 ዓም) ብPDF ልምንባብDownload ትግራዋይ እንታይ ይደሊ? ንምንታይከ ናይ ሕዚ መኸተ ኣንጻር ለፍንቲ ጽንተት ሓዊሱ መዋእሉ ተቓሊሱ? ንዝብሉ ሕቶታት ብቐሊሉ “ህላውኡ ንምውሓስ፣ መንነቱ ንምዕቃብ፣ ሃገር ንምኹዋን” ወዘተ… ኢሉ...
In a statement issued by 83 prominent Oromo scholars and professionals, including lawyers, physicians, and over 25 university professors, a call was made for the Oromo...
ጽራይ ወርቂ (ግንቦት 2016 ዓመተ ግእዝ) መቐለ ከም PDF ልምንባብDownload “ሰብ ዲኻ? ተፈናቓላይ?” ቢሎም ምስ ሓተቱኒ ልሳነይ ክሳብ ዚለኣም ደንጊጸ፣ ፈሪሐ ‘ውን ከብደይ ምስተሓዋወሰ ከመይ ቢለ “ሰብ ኢየ”...
May 25, 2024 SUMMARY Eritrea was an active part of the November 2020 – November 2022 genocidal war on Tigray. After the Pretoria Agreement signed in November...
ሰነድ 1፡ መቋጫው! የችግራችን ምንጭ፣ ያለንበት ሁኔታ እና የመዳኛው መንገድ።
ሰነድ 2፡ ምን ዓይነት የሽግግር ሒደት? ለምን እና አንዴት?
ትችታችን በምክንያት እና በኃላፊነት ስሜት ይሁን! ይድረስ ለዶ/ር ሲሳይ መንግስቴ