In a statement issued by 83 prominent Oromo scholars and professionals, including lawyers, physicians, and over 25 university professors, a call was made for the Oromo...
Author - UMD Media
ጽራይ ወርቂ (ግንቦት 2016 ዓመተ ግእዝ) መቐለ ከም PDF ልምንባብDownload “ሰብ ዲኻ? ተፈናቓላይ?” ቢሎም ምስ ሓተቱኒ ልሳነይ ክሳብ ዚለኣም ደንጊጸ፣ ፈሪሐ ‘ውን ከብደይ ምስተሓዋወሰ ከመይ ቢለ “ሰብ ኢየ”...
Over 67% of Land under Eritrea’s Continued Occupation Violates the 2000 Algiers Agreement and Obstructs the 2022 Pretoria Agreement
May 25, 2024 SUMMARY Eritrea was an active part of the November 2020 – November 2022 genocidal war on Tigray. After the Pretoria Agreement signed in November...
የልደቱ አያሌው ሁለት ሰነዶች: ከጥልቅ ችግር ወደ ሽግግር – “አገራዊ የውይይትና የድርድር ሒደት” እና “የኢትዮጵያ የእርቅና የአንድነት የሽግግር መንግሥት”
ሰነድ 1፡ መቋጫው! የችግራችን ምንጭ፣ ያለንበት ሁኔታ እና የመዳኛው መንገድ።
ሰነድ 2፡ ምን ዓይነት የሽግግር ሒደት? ለምን እና አንዴት?
ትችታችን በምክንያት እና በኃላፊነት ስሜት ይሁን! ይድረስ ለዶ/ር ሲሳይ መንግስቴ
UMD Media Sources: PM Abiy Ahmed held meetings on launching war on Tigray in the presence of, among others, current IGAD Executive Secretary
UMD Media has received credible information that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been holding consultations over the past few months with select individuals to decide on...
Press Release of Oromos for Justice, Security, and Truth (O-JUST): “The Ethiopian Government Is Not an Oromo Government”
Oromos for Justice, Security, and Truth (O-JUST) May 3, 2024 “The domestic and international media headlines unscrupulously kept pushing the utterly false...
የኦሮሞዎች ለፍትህ፣ ለደህንነት እና ለእውነት (ኦፍደእ) አቋም (ሚያዝያ 25፤ 2016 ዓም) “ተረኩ: የኦሮሞ መንግስት ተረት አፈጣጠር” “ትረካው ወደ ላቀ ደረጃ የተወሰደው ደግሞ በሀገሪቱ ውስጥ ባሉ ታዋቂና እና የተመሰከረላቸው ኦሮሞ ጠል...
ሚያዝያ 20 2016 ዓም (April 28 2024) እዚ ፀብፃብን ፃውዒትን ሰናይት ገብሩ ኣብ ኣፅቢ፤ አበርገለን ናዕዴርን ዝገበረቶ ዑደትን ብሓፈሻ ኣብ ትግራይ ካብ ዝተዓዘበቶ፤ ጎይትኦም ገ/ሄርን ዮሴፍ ክንፈን ካብ ዘዳለውዎ ሓበሬታ ትንበያን ድምፂ ወያነ ካብ ዝፀብፀቦ...
A Yearning for Peace: Reflecting on Tigray’s Struggle for Stability, Justice, and Dignity
Batseba Seifu (April 19, 2024) To read it in PDFDownload A Journey Unfulfilled Time has elapsed since the signing of the Pretoria Agreement, which brought in cease fire...
ኤፕሪል 18 2024 ሙሉእ ፅሑፍ ልምንባብ PDFDownload ሕቶ ‘ግዱስ ትግራዋይ ዲኤምቪ’ ዕለት፡ – ኤፕሪል 9 2024ንUMD Mediaብማሕበር ልምዓት ትግራይ ጨንፈር ሰሜን ኣሜሪካ ኣብ ዋሽንግተን ዝተገዝአ ህንፃ ዝምልከት ሕቶታትኣነ መበቆለይ ትግራይ እየ...