Compiled by Segen Yainshet April 5, 2023 On March 17, 2023, the same day Getachew Reda was elected as President of the Interim Regional...
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Mersea Kidan One of the key components of the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (CoHA) is the establishment of an interim regional...
Tigrayans on the opportunities and challenges of Getachew Reda’s election as the leader of IRA
The process of establishing the Interim Regional Administration (IRA) of Tigray began formally in mid-January during a meeting of the Central...
ካብ ፍልፍላት ዩኤምዲ ሚዲያ ተሳተፍቲ እቲ መረፃ እኒ ኣይተ ጌታቸው ረዳ ኸም ሕፁይ ፕረዚደንት ጊዚያዊ መንግስቲ ትግራይ ገይሩ ዘመረፀ ኣኼባ ማእኸላይ ኮሚቴ ህወሓት መጋቢት 6 2015 ዓም ዓርቢ ንግሆ ሰዓት 3 ጀሚሩ ምሸት ሰዓት 3...
ለካቲት 2015 መቐለ: ትግራይ እማመ ሳወት ኣብ ምጥያሽ ግዝያዊ መንግስቲ ከም pdf ልምንባብDownload ክፍሊ ሓደ ፍኖተ–ካርታ (Road Map) ምጥያሽ ግዝያዊ መንግስቲ መእተዊ 1. ግዝያዊ መንግስቲ፡ እንታይነት፣...
ኣቢይ ኣሕመድ ተተቐበሎ ታይ ይፍለጥ ብዝብል ዶ/ር ደብረፅዮን ገብረሚካኤል ፕረዚደንት ኾይኖም ክቕፅሉ ኣብ ማዕኸላዊ ኮሚቴ ህወሓት ኣወሲኖም፤ ፍልፍላት ዩኤምዲ ሚዲያ
ለካቲት 26 2015 ዓም ማእኸላይ ኮሚቴ ህወሓት ቐዳም ለካቲት 26 ድሕሪ ሰዓት ካብ 9 ሰዓት ጀሚሩ እስካብ 4 ናይ ምሸት ኣብ ዝገበሮ ኣኼባ ብፈጽሚት ስራሕ ብዝቐረበ ዝርዝር መሰረት ነዞም ዝስዕቡ 12 ኣባል ማእኸላይ ኮሚቴን...
ሐሙስ ለካቲት 23 2015 ዓም ኸም PDF ልምንባብDownload ንምጥያሽ ጊዚያዊ መንግስቲ ትግራይ ዝካየድ ዘሎ ኮንፈረስ ተወከልቲ ዝተፈላለዩ ክፋል ማሕበረሰብ ትግራይ ናይ መጀመሪያ መዓልቲ ትማኢ ረቡዕ ለካቲት 22 2015 ዓም...
Conference on establishment of the Interim Regional Administration of Tigray kicks off in the absence of three major opposition parties
Tigray opposition parties absent from a conference organized by a committee tasked with the establishment of the Interim Regional Administration of...
“We need to embark on a transition that will transform and democratize politics in Tigray and realize the aspirations of Tigrayans.” Mehari Taddele Maru
Personal call Prof. Mehari Taddele Maru The current situation in Tigray – oscillating between states of hope and desperation, optimism and pessimism...
ውልቃዊ ፃውዒት ፕሮፍሴር መሓሪ ታደለ ማሩ ትግራይ፡ ኣብዚ ሕዚ እዋን፡ኣብ ሞንጎ ተስፋን ተስፋ ምቑራፅን፣ ኣብ መንጎ ዕድላትን ድሕረ ኲናት ዝፍጠር ቕልውላውን መንቀራቕሮ ኣትያ ትርከብ። ልበ-ምልኡነት፣ ፍፁም...