መንግስተኣብ ፀጋይ ለካቲት 26፤ 2017 ዓም ንዓሰርተታት ዓመታት ናብ ህዝቢ ብፍላይ ድማ ናብቲ ንኡስ ወለዶ ክውዝዑ ዝፀንሑን ክሳብ ሐዚ እንተኾነ ከይተበደሁ ወይ challenge ከይተገብሩ ዝጋወሑ ዘለዉ ሰለስተ ቀንዲ ንፋሖታት 11 ለካቲት ኣለዉ፡፡ ቀዳማይ – ብርሃን ውፁዓት እያ ዝብል ፅዋ 11 ለካቲት ብርሃን ውፁዓት እያ ዝብል ፅዋ መሰረታዊ ጌጋ ኣለዎ’። 11 ለካቲት ምጅማር ቃልሲ እናበልካስ፤ መዛዘሚ ቃልሲ ከምዝኾነ ጌርካ ምዝራብ እዩ።...
Category - Opinion
Zerayacob Gebrehiwet It is impossible to rule out that Abiy Ahmed might attempt to use factions of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)...
Teshome Beyene Tigray was once a deeply traditional and value-driven society, grounded in cultural institutions that sustained and guided us for...
ብሙሉጌታ ገብረህይወት* ወረን ሓሾትን ፈታዊኡ ይፈቱ እዩ ይበሃል። እዚ ዝበሃለሉ ምኽንያት ናባኻ ገፅ ዝፈስስ ወረን መረዳእታን ብናትካ ናይ መረዳእታን ወረን ሃንቀውታ እዩ ዝምራሕ ማለት እዩ። መራሕቲ ናይ ስልጣን ሚዛን ፤ ከምኡውን...
Bisrat Tessema, Mekelle, Tigray October 12, 2024 to read it in PDFDownload In January 2021, the United States Armed Forces, through their Joint...
Major General Teklebrhan W/Aregay (PhD) August 9, 2024 to read it in PDF Download The enduring loyalty many Tigrayans hold for the Tigray...
Major General Teklebrhan W/Aregay (PhD) August 4, 2024 to read it in PDFDownload Tigray is currently grappling with an unprecedented crisis...
ኤርሚያስ ኣማረ July 27, 2024 ብPDF ንምንባብDownload ኣብ ታሪኽ ህወሓት ኮነ ኣብ ናይ ቀረባ ታሪኽ ትግራይ ተራእዩ ብዘይፈልጥ መልክዑ ደገፍቲ ህወሓት እዚ ዝቦቅል ዘሎ ሓዱሽ ፓለቲካዊ ባህሊ ፀላዕላዕ የብሎም ኣሎ:: እቲ...
Major General Teklebrhan W/Aregay (PhD) July 24, 2024 to read in PDFDownload Introduction Tigrayan national interests must be paramount in Tigrayan...
The people of Tigray face a fragile peace after a devastating war, marked by unresolved social, economic, and political issues. Meanwhile, internal...