ዳዊት ካሕሳይ (ግንቦት 29 2016 ዓም) ብPDF ልምንባብDownload ትግራዋይ እንታይ ይደሊ? ንምንታይከ ናይ ሕዚ መኸተ ኣንጻር ለፍንቲ ጽንተት ሓዊሱ መዋእሉ ተቓሊሱ? ንዝብሉ ሕቶታት ብቐሊሉ “ህላውኡ ንምውሓስ፣ መንነቱ ንምዕቃብ፣ ሃገር ንምኹዋን” ወዘተ… ኢሉ...
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A statement by over 80 prominent Oromo scholars and professionals: Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission is “a deceptive political operation designed to prolong Abiy Ahmed’s violent and repressive rule over our people”
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Over 67% of Land under Eritrea’s Continued Occupation Violates the 2000 Algiers Agreement and Obstructs the 2022 Pretoria Agreement
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UMD Media Sources: PM Abiy Ahmed held meetings on launching war on Tigray in the presence of, among others, current IGAD Executive Secretary
UMD Media has received credible information that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been holding consultations over the past few months with select individuals to decide on...