In a statement issued by 83 prominent Oromo scholars and professionals, including lawyers, physicians, and over 25 university professors, a call was made for the Oromo people to reject what the group described as the deceitful scheme of the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission. The group urged all citizens affiliated with the commission to stop being used “as tool(s) by the oppressive regime.”

The group highlighted “an inherent conflict of interest, tainted with blood” for the ruling Prosperity Party officials to lead the dialogue “while operating as principals, accomplices, and accessories to state-run crimes.”

“While we support all efforts for holistic peace through genuine dialogue and political participation, we believe this move is bogus, disingenuous, and will further complicate the already cluttered political landscape fueling the ongoing conflicts.”

Statement by Oromo scholars and professionals

The scholars and professionals called upon commission members to withdraw from “this sham duty immediately and stand on the right side of history.”

UMD Media

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